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Anyone have both MP and MODG Henle guides?

Robin in Tx

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I know how they compare pace-wide - I know that MODG covers more in the first year...


The MP online sample looks like a simple "read these two pages, do this set of exercises, do some oral drill (undefined)." I can't find a sample page of the MODG guide. Can someone who has seen both tell me how these two guides differ in content? Or are they similar?


I think I prefer the pace of the MODG guide because dd has already taken LItCT Level 1, and we'll need to move fast through the first few units of Henle. But I don't like buying something sight unseen, especially when it has a "no returns" policy!


Thanks for any input


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but I'm not a home this week to look at them right now.


MP Henle Syllabus covers only Henle units 1 & 2 in one year. I think content wise MP is better because it tells you what to review and which chants to do everyday in addition to what to read & which translations to do everyday.


MODG covers, if I remember correctly, units 1-7 in one yr and includes quizzes & tests.


Ask on the high school board for more info on MODG. otherwise I can tell you more when I get home.

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Thanks, Michelle!


Yes, I was aware of the I-II vs. I-VII difference, but I wasn't sure what else was different about them. I would like to know if MODG gives you a day to day specific breakdown the way MP does... I would benefit from that quite a bit, but I'd like to move faster than what MP provides.


If I don't get an answer by next week, I'll contact you and ask you to look at it for me. Thanks again for the offer!



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I just sold my MODG guide, but I remember it did have day by day assignment breakdowns.





Thanks, Carolyn.


I don't suppose you recall what those daily assignments looked like (how they were structured/what sort of detail)?


I've asked on the high school board... someone there might answer soon.


Thanks again!


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