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(x-post) Origami anyone?

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I was curious if anyone's kids love origami? My ds11 is totally into it! I could have never imagined a kid enoying folding paper so much. If your child like Origami can you share what books, resources, etc... you use? ds11 devours all books he can get his hands on. In fact that's what he wants for his birthday - more books. :tongue_smilie:


Also if you can share one of you child's creations I would love to see it! Here is his latest Five Intersecting Tetrahedra:



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Oh, that is cool. Need directions for that if you have them. My 11yr old dd loves origami and does it all the time. I will have to as her what her favorite books are, I know she has one that makes clothes that she really likes but guessing that isn't what he's looking for.

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Wow, that is cool! My 8yo DS is into origami, but only recently, and his skills aren't up to that yet -- he'll be impressed when I show it to him!


Thanks, happypamama. Once they get the bug its amazing how quickly they can take off. I think ds11 started about your son's age. Paper airplanes got him going initially. Then once he tried some books and other tutorials he realized all the possibilities. Now he likes trying the more challenging ones even if he can't always pull them of completely. Its the challenge that intrigues him I think.


If you have netflix they have a film which is really great called Between the Folds. Its available on instant play at least in the States. I highly recommend it.

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Oh, that is cool. Need directions for that if you have them. My 11yr old dd loves origami and does it all the time. I will have to as her what her favorite books are, I know she has one that makes clothes that she really likes but guessing that isn't what he's looking for.


Thanks, Splash. There are several tutorials I've found online. These are the one's my son used:






Please post some of her work when you get the chance. I find it inspiring to see what other kids are working on.

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