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DIY for something like Creek Edge task cards or CC stuff?

Tardis Girl

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OK so I've looked at Creek Edge Task Cards and Classical Conversations materials and I realize that there are some things in common that I have a longing for. Maybe because I am a "list person" myself, but I like the idea of having, say, certain "tasks" to do for geography or a science or whatever. I like the Creek Edge ideas, but... well, I guess I'm cheap. :(


I am not a big hands-on person, but I could handle a little bit of it, which my kids would love I'm sure.


Has anyone tried to make your own? I'm thinking with all the resources out there there's got to be a way to pull together "tasks" and things to do in a subject area without having to reinvent the wheel.


Or do I just break down and spend the money?

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Have you seen this? http://www.amazon.com/Homeschoolers-Book-Lists-The-Facts/dp/0764204432/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363642792&sr=8-1&keywords=homeschooler%27s+book+of+lists


Might be a good jumping off point. I bought it recently, and so far haven't done anything other than thumb through it a few times. Every time I pick it up though, something interesting catches my eye. Looks like it will be a great resource.


Also, a couple reviewers (and the description!) mentioned a cd. Mine (bought new this past week) does not have one.

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