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Does this type of science exist?


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Sometimes I wish I could just flip a switch and turn off the need to plan ahead, but I can't so here is my question:) I am looking into next year when we will finish our homemade Magic School Bus science curriculum. In my search I have not found anything that looks like it will fit as well with my kids as our MSB science does. If I need to do my own thing that is fine but I figured I would need time to plan if that is the case. But maybe I am missing something that is out there (and is not too expensive, hopefully). Here is what I am looking for in science:


-WTM style science (meaning separate years of biology, chemistry, physics)

-an interesting spine (I don't mind textbooks, as long as they are not too wordy.)

-living books added in whenever possible, even if it is just picture books

-added reading to incorporate scientists that made a difference in the particular area we are studying

-some type of vocabulary study

-experiments that will actually get done (nothing too complicated)

-some type of either notebooking or lapbooking to help with comprehension

-the ability to do most of the work together with multiple ages


So, does this exist? If it doesn't what would you suggest using as a spine? We have the Usborne Science Encyclopedia which I could use unless there is something better out there. Any thoughts are very much appreciated! Thanks:)

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I agree with Elemental Science. It is super affordable and seems like you wouldn't have to add much to make it what you want.

I think the adding of stuff would just be more along the lines of the extra biographies and such, since there are only 2 listed. The price is such that I wouldn't feel bad throwing even more living books at it (but, I bet I wouldn't have to buy them if I went thru my shelves! LOL!!) on the topics the kids wanted more. Sort of like doing a book basket type of thing.


If I have my youngest home next year I think we will do the Physics... well, we might do that anyway over the summer. I need to unearth some k'nex bridge building stuff I have stored "back there". But the price is nice and the samples make it look doable for me.

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