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ISO book about Canada


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I am looking for a good book that tells the basics of Canadaian Geography, Culture and Government - appropriate for a 9 year old and that isn't too long. I would prefer something that could be read over a week that will provide information that will enable my son to fill out a canadian map and understand the basic structure of the canadian government.


I am also looking for a read aloud/short novel that takes place in Canada.

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I would recommend the Kids Book of Canadian... series (History, Black History, Prime Ministers, Geography, etc). We also liked the Book "Who Runs This Country Anyway?" (I think that is what it is called).


It might be a bit young for him but we enjoyed the workbook by Donna Ward "Canada my Country". It covers Geography, and Social Studies including Government and prominent Canadians

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Here are the books I am using to teach this, (I have not clicked the links above so if I am simply repeating those ones ignore me)


Who runs this country anyway Order from canadian home education resources for under $10 I believe rather than this $70 crap


Canada votes(also order from CHER as this price is insane)


Discoverying Canada's Government (I can't remember if I bought mine from CHER or from 4 your mind(a homeschool curric store owned and run by an acquaintance)


and lastly the Kids book of Canadian gov't and the geography one


As for read aloud, there is lots depending on what you want to learn about. Pierre burton books are educational but can be dry, tehre is the dear Canada series, Jeremy's war is about the war of 1812, that would be neat to read an american book about the same war and compare the viewpoints. Biographies abound, again depending on what you want to learn. If looking for a Canadian author, than Farley Mowat is good, white fang, owls in the family etc. If you have an event, person or timeline you are paritcularily interested in I can pull some titles from off my shelf to suggest.

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Thanks, these are all great suggestions. I am just putting together a small unit of a "Geography and Cultures" program for my son. I'd like to spend a week on Canada - so I just want him to label a basic map, learn a little about the country and read a story that takes place there. If there is a fun DVD out there I would like that too.

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