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Question about FLL/WWE

Just Kate

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My kids (K and 3rd) are in a small, Christian school this year. I work part-time, but will work from home this summer and plan to do a little schooling with them. I would also like to start afterschooling and will be using SOTW as a starting point.


I love FLL and WWE, but I wonder if I could use them (and would they even be beneficial) without making my kids do extra writing. Ds (3rd grade) will balk if I try to get him to do extra handwriting outside of school. However, I think he will work with me if I keep things on a conversational level.


So I guess what I am wondering is - is there any benefit to using these curricula if I don't require any writing by the kids? I believe that both teach narration, correct? Is narration helpful if dictation is not also done?


Can I teach Language Arts using the WTM method without requiring extra handwriting? If so, can you help me work through how I might do this?



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There is not a lot of writing in those programs, but for WWE I don't think I would want to skip it. FLL 1 and 2 have little or no writing. Even 3 is pretty light so far. You might want to check your library for the Well Trained Mind to read about what the goals of thise programs are.


What are your goals for afterschooling (and summer)? I ask because perhaps if they do a lot of writing at school and you are OK with the math program, perhaps you all would enjoy doing history or science afterschool. These subjects are often skipped or covered haphazardly in the early grades. You could quietly add in writing or grammar in small pieces uf you felt it was needed. Something like Story of the World for history or BFSU for science would be good programs you could a couple days a week and incorporate whatever other things you wanted to emphasize. Plus, if your dc enjoy it they will be more enthusiastic, right?

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FLL 1 can be done completely orally. WWE 1 has copywork 2x a week though. You could cover narration only, but probably not worth buying the whole workbook for that. Just my opinion there. You could work on narration skills using whatever reading material that interests your children.

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