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I need a bit of technical help w/ my blog--

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I'm not computer savvy at all, so creating a blog is a real stretch for me! Anyhoo, I'm trying to write a new post and then add a few photos *beneath* it, but every time I attempt to upload the pics from my computer, they end up *above* my post, w/ the text underneath. That's not what I want! What am I doing wrong?? How do I get the photos to upload *beneath* the text? And what about one at a time with a bit of text in between? How do I do that? Your help would be so very appreciated... this is unchartered territory for me and so far, it's very hostile!

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I just realized recently that there are 2 ways to create new posts on blogger/blogspot. You can use the "Compose" setting, in which you can drag and drop the picture, or you can use the "HTML" setting, in which it's easier to cut-and-paste. The 2 choices are little tabs in the upper right of the box you type your new post in.


And you can toggle back and forth between the two settings.


I'd been doing it in HTML for ages, and couldn't figure out how to drag-and-drop as Heidi suggested. Then, doh, I realized that I never ever had to use the HTML, I could just use Compose. Of course, then I couldn't cut-and-paste in Compose, which about drove me nuts.


All of which might've confused you even more. BUT, here's the important thing: if someone tells you something like drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste they might be starting from a different point than you are.


Either way I put the photos in first, then arrange everything. That way if the photo-putter-inner isn't working I don't get so frustrated.

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I'd been doing it in HTML for ages, and couldn't figure out how to drag-and-drop as Heidi suggested. Then, doh, I realized that I never ever had to use the HTML, I could just use Compose. Of course, then I couldn't cut-and-paste in Compose, which about drove me nuts.


I have always used Compose and done cutting and pasting, although it probably would be easier to cut and paste in HTML! I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to cut & paste in the Compose screen?



Either way I put the photos in first, then arrange everything. That way if the photo-putter-inner isn't working I don't get so frustrated.


:iagree: I think this is probably the easiest way to go. Sometimes I do things the round-a-bout way. Good luck with your blog! Trial and error is my blogging motto!

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I have always used Compose and done cutting and pasting, although it probably would be easier to cut and paste in HTML! I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to cut & paste in the Compose screen?


The main problem was that I was just sort of stumbling around, not even realizing that I wasn't in HTML. This was just a couple of days ago, since I read Heidi's post, as a matter of fact (really, I was thinking, "Hey, THIS is what she meant!" when I realized I could drag and drop), and I haven't had a chance to play with it anymore. I'll give it another try with assurance now, since you've told me it will work. What's the worst that can happen -- I crash all of Blogger?


I always figure that if *I* can figure some of this stuff out *anyone* can. I seem to be dead set on figuring out every mistake and blunder you can make on forums, blogs, email, etc.

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lol - if that were the case, I would probably crash blogger everyday - everything I do is trial and error. What's funny, is I didn't even realize you could do the whole drag & drop thing! You learn something new everyday!!!

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