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Highschool is looming and we are excited to get there

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I don't write very often. Usually I read posts by others, and every once in a while I'll post a question. It is time that I posted about us and our journey.


I always love posst by Nan, swimmermom, momof8, elegantlion and many others. Often I come to this board to find encouragement. I worry, like many of us, if I am doing enough, or too much, or the right things etc. Maybe in highschool the kids should go to a 'real' school. I worry about not having the patience. And on and on and on.


Last night, however, I realized that it is all worth it. The boys are growing. DS 13 will be fine moving into highschool work. And I did the okayest job I am able to do. Best of all I am convinced that I am doing a better job than any school could have. I am not saying I am an expert at any subject, but I am an expert at finding opportunities. Last night we had a festival for our coop kids. All the kids presented what they learned in the various classes. The Shakespeare class performed a short skit. It was fun. They all did so well. They all new how to present just fine. I am relieved to see that one can learn in a non-traditional, no-pressure environment. I have never given my kids grades and I think that last night they performed as well as they could; with or without grades. We have accomplished one of the most important goals. The boys can and will learn simply because it is good, or interesting and not because of a grade. I feel ready now to move on to a non-traditional highschool with ds13. We know most of what he'll be doing for 9th grade, though some may change. A lot of his work will not happen at home, but none of it will be traditional highschool work. For those of you who worry there is light at the end of the tunnel. For those who are interested here is our plan next year (9th grade).


We will not use a charter school.


English and Literature: WWS, most importantly he is starting Great Books with Escondido Tutorial.


Civil War and Reconstruction: with our coop


Shakespeare: with our coop


German: OSU


We will still add on history reading. Currently we are starting modern times. He'll be reading some the books recommended in the WTM for that. Most of his writing for history, civics, literature, economics etc. will happen via the Great Books class.


Math: at the local CC


Science: We are still working on this. He'll probably do some form of robotics and some sort of general science course that year. The goal is for 10 grade to have him take Science at the local CC.


We feel great about this plan. I can't wait to get started. :laugh:

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