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So. In trying to make some of the recipes, I discovered I didn't have the right spices. Oh and the spices I DO have are almost all expired (the ones that have any sort of date on them)


I hear spices only last a year from when you buy them?


So how do you buy spices? Do you buy them from someone that sells in bulk (how do you find this sort of store?)? And then how do you store them?

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I had a similar problem when we got married this summer. I'd start making chili and realize I didn't have cumin or chili powder. We registered for a spice rack for a wedding gift, and while I don't use all the spices, it has been worth it. I also think that I can get free refills for up to five years. I've recently bought spices at Aldi. They have a really good size for 99cents. They don't have an unlimited selection, but they have all the basics.

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i use old spices. they just dont have as strong a flavor. you can use a little more. its no big deal.


i just buy them in the little bottles. except for dried parsley and whole peppercorn and crushed red pepper, which i usually buy in bigger bottles. i have a little plastic stepper i bought forever ago and have the spices in alphabetical order.

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I'm about ready to buy spices again. $1.50 for a sage, rosemary, thyme or oregano plant, and they'll keep growing until we move. :)


We've cut the number of spices we use to a minimum. If it's something we use infrequently, we buy the small bottles. If it's something we're going to use at least monthly, we buy the big bottles. If we can get by without getting it at all, we do - things like garlic salt never get used here because I can mince garlic and add salt myself.

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