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Rod & Staff Math or CLE or....

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I really like Singapore math. It has helped us a lot. But I have to use Saxon alongside for extra practice, because I find the extra Singapore books lacking in practice. My kids need a lot of variety in practice. But Saxon has bored them to tears right now.


I have MM but my kids cry at even the thought of it. I think we need something more spiral than mastery. They are really good at math, but remembering is something else entirely.


I have been really impressed with R & S English so far, and we have periodically used CLE as independent work in math in the past.


Would it be stupid to switch to R & S or CLE at this stage (5th-7th grade) for mathy kids who plan to go into the sciences? For reference, TT 7 was too easy for them and they like more book work. Saxon 8/7 is also too easy. Should we just find a way to stick to SM? They understand it but it all leaks out between lessons.


Has anyone used R & S or CLE through the middle and high school years successfully for mathy kids?

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I've used R&S successfully, but 8th grade is the last of their math series. They don't have books for algebra and beyond. Your oldest would only have it for one grade, but the fifth grader could use it for a few years. R&S is mastery with a review section at the end of each lesson. My mathy dd switched out at the prealgebra level, but dabbled in the R&S book off and on. She likes seeing how different curricula companies teach concepts.

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CLE is great, but it seems as though 700 and 800 taken together are pre-algebra, and Algebra I is just now coming out in Sunrise Edition. Much as I love it, I think I'm going to have to jump ship after 600 because I just don't know what parts to take or leave in 7-800, and I want her in algebra in 8th grade.

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We also really enjoy CLE. But I'm also not sure we will continue past 600 because of the the way they strectch Pre-A over two years in CLE 700 & 800. Since our dds like it so much we may do select 'Light Units' from both of those which should take less time, maybe 1.5 years vs. 2.


That said I'm not sure it would be good to switch so late into CLE unless you don't mind going through both 700 & 800 with them. You can take a look at the S&S to see what is covered here: http://www.clp.org/d...e_2012-2013.pdf


Dpending on how strong their primary math skills are you probably should just be looking toward Pre-A programs. Some are more heavily weighted toward reviewing elementary math with a little algebraic reasoning while others have more algebraic concepts like AoPS, TabletClass, etc...

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Dpending on how strong their primary math skills are you probably should just be looking toward Pre-A programs. Some are more heavily weighted toward reviewing elementary math with a little algebraic reasoning while others have more algebraic concepts like AoPS, TabletClass, etc...


AoPS was a horrible failure for dd. she is bright and a VSL and it just made no sense to dd, dh (a physical chemist!), or myself. Before we move into Algebra, I feel we need to step back because idk if it's her hormones, but she's made a big step back in math since trying AoPS and she's done with SM and Saxon for now. Like SWB, once the math produces tears this much...I need something else! Kwim?

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AoPS was a horrible failure for dd. she is bright and a VSL and it just made no sense to me, dh (a physical chemist!), or myself. Before we move into Algebra, I feel we need to step back because idk if it's her hormones, but she's made a big step back in math since trying AoPS and she's done with SM and Saxon for now. Like SWB, once the math produces tears this much...I need something else! Kwim?


Yes, then CLE may be a great fit. It's gentle spiral approach has been great for our dds who initially hated math after MUS.


AoPS is another beast entirely with its discovery approach along with the extra difficult level of problems. After reviewing AoPS Pre-A I decided ds11 wasn't ready for it yet. Instead during Pre-A we only used the videos and some fo the free samples as supplemental to TabletClass which has worked fine. And now that he's almost done with Pre-A I think he is much more prepared for more difficult abstract concepts. He mind has really been stretched this year in good ways and I see how much his confidence has grown. So I'll probably bring in more AoPS during Algebra 1 along with TabletClass.

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