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Library organization for homeschool group


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I'm looking into getting a library catalog system for our homeschool group. I would like to have a check-out book feature and web access.


Also, is it possible to have a system that allows me to catalog my own books as a private venture and catalog the homeschool books as a public venture? Mostly though I am looking for the homeschool group's library.



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Personally, I'd think the best thing to do would be to use a site like LibraryThing or Good Reads. Individual users can create their own accounts and friend each other, and you can easily search each others' libraries. As far as the homeschool group goes, you could use your own account for that if you had to, then tag your own books as yours, but I don't know if you could make it private. You could also have another family member register an account and make that the homeschool group's account.

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I use Readerware and really like it. Some specific points to address your requirements:

  • It does have a loan tracker.
  • If you get a client/server version, you check the database through the Internet.
  • You can create multiple databases so you could keep your personal library separate from the hs library you are managing.

Other useful features:

  • Cataloging is very easy with a barcode reader and it is capable of searching several databases at once. I have mine set to search Library of Congress and Amazon, and I always come back with pictures of the book cover, LOC/Dewey number, and all other relevant info.
  • You can add custom fields too so you can keep track of something that only matters to your library. For instance, you could make a TOG or SOTW field and enter the year number if a book is used by that curriculum.

It's not the easiest web site to get around on, but you can see screen shots, download a trial, and read the documentation. And the client/server edition is under $100, so it's not too pricey, considering. The personal version is around $40, I think.

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Do you plan to have people who want to borrow someones books do it between the two of them? Will you bring books to a coop day?


I have wanted to start something like this as well but I just can't wrap my mind around the logistics. Even through something like librarything? how do they contact each other to get the books and what about returns?


Are you planning on due dates? Sorry, I am very curious if this has been worked out already with your group.


I will be watching all of the posters. The readerware sounds cool but for our group I would have to pay for it.


Thanks! Watching for more replies.

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Our library has been very underused and mostly gets carted to each meeting in a cart with wheels. I want people to see what we have. I'm not sure how people are going to get the books other than letting me know and me bringing it to a meeting (or coming to my home). I just got a lot of chapter books through my husband's work place so the library has tripled in size. I just want people to know what's in the library. I'm not even sure how the checkout thing will go.


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I started one and was able to arrange for a shelf in a church library. It worked out quite well that way since people could go and browse anytime the church was open.


I started by donating how-to books, magazines and then others also pitched in.


It ended up being a very useful resource for newbies.:)

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