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How does this sound for 7th and 8th grade writing?

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I kept going back and forth and I think that I finally have a plan for next year for my oldest. He will be in 7th grade then. He has been doing IEW for the past two years and we would like to do something else. He's getting bored with it.


Ok, the plan is to do WWS 1 over the course of 7th and 8th grade with CW 2 for those two years. In addition to that, he would be outlining/writing with what he's learning in history and science.


Will that be enough for 7th and 8th grade? Does he need more in those to grades to prepare him for high school?


Thanks for your thoughts!!

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I was going to say plenty, until I realized CW probably means Creative Writer, and not Classical Writing anymore. I really can't see splitting WWS into two years for those ages unless the DC is a struggling writer, and spreading it out that thin wouldn't help your boredom issue. When my current 7th grade DD beta tested WWS in fifth she did it as intended, but by sixth grade she was doing "day 1" and "day 2" as one assignment, and regularly getting through a whole lesson (4 "days" each) in three school days or less.


WWS 2 will be out this fall. You could start 1 at the intended pace and adjust it on the fly as needed, and start level 2 whenever you finish 1.

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I plan on HSing him all the way through. Would that make a difference?


If I were putting a student into school in 9th grade, I would work through both levels 1 and 2 of WWS, dropping CW if needed. Otherwise, I would worry that the student wouldn't be prepared for either the level or amount of writing needed in 9th grade.


If I were homeschooling through high school it wouldn't be such a big deal. However, I would just work through the books at a comfortable pace rather than plan to take two years though level 1. I liked the look of WWS 2 and the scope of the series so much, that I am having my 7th grade dd work through WWS 1 now in order to be ready for WWS 2 next fall. She just started after Christmas break, but is moving through fairly quickly.

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If you stack that right it would be one main writing assignment of some sort per day. WWS has four days of work per week, and the first two are light. My off the cuff reaction to scheduling looks like this.

Day 1: WWS D1, history outline

Day 2: WWS D2, history summary

Day 3: WWS D3

Day 4: WWS D4

Day 5: Creative Writer


If you expect your DC to struggle with that load I'd ease into it.


We don't either of those two books, but my 7th and 8th graders are both expected to write a decent amount on a daily basis. They're so accustomed to outlines and summaries in history and science that I don't stagger them with writing assignments anymore. It's just a part of the expected work in those subjects. They do well with that workload.

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If you stack that right it would be one main writing assignment of some sort per day. WWS has four days of work per week, and the first two are light. My off the cuff reaction to scheduling looks like this.

Day 1: WWS D1, history outline

Day 2: WWS D2, history summary

Day 3: WWS D3

Day 4: WWS D4

Day 5: Creative Writer


If you expect your DC to struggle with that load I'd ease into it.


We don't either of those two books, but my 7th and 8th graders are both expected to write a decent amount on a daily basis. They're so accustomed to outlines and summaries in history and science that I don't stagger them with writing assignments anymore. It's just a part of the expected work in those subjects. They do well with that workload.


Very good...thanks! I think I would possibly science on alternate weeks. I will give it a go!

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