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What after The Reading Lesson?


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I'll be interested in responses to this one as well. We tried "100 Easy Lessons", and my son just didn't go for it. He would put up a fight every day when it came time to do the lesson. Of course I read to him daily, but I still want him to have phonics instruction.


So now we are giving "Phonics Pathways" a shot starting in September, and I am definitely curious about the input that will come on this thread.

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My daughter completed "The Reading Lesson" a few months ago, and here's what we did and are doing, for what it's worth.


I relaced the 10-15 minutes a day that we spent on "The Reading "Lesson" with "shared reading" out of a real book. She reads a page, I read a page. I'd help her sound out any words she didn't know on her pages. We started with short books, and gradually worked up to simple chapter books. Then it started taking too long to read a chapter (not for DD5, but for DD2 who was "listening"), and I am looking for something else.


We also do lots of library books, both picture books and "An I Can Read Book" type books. I let DD pick out as many books from the "easy reader" section of the library as she wants and make them freely available during the week. I don't require her to read any of them.


I am also starting SWR. I choose SWR instead of something like Phonics Pathways because I think it is more complete, it provides handwriting practice, and it will serve as a spelling curriculum for years to come.


Oh, and I still read to her and we talk about the books I read to her, as well as books that she reads to me.


Now that she has the basics of decoding words down, I find that these things work together for reading fluency (shared reading & easy readers), decoding advanced words (SWR), and comprehension (book discusion).

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I have 3 dc using The Reading Lesson. Once completed they should be reading at a begining 2nd grade level. I was going to have them


  1. switch to Phonics Pathway (don't start at the begining though) or
  2. start R&S Phonics grade 2 (I love their phonics rule drills) or
  3. Books from Heart of Dakota "Emerging Readers" list or one you choose, but this will give you an idea.

I plan to use R&S Phonics 2 along with emerging readers with Caleb.


My ds was using Phonics Pathway but I switched him TRL and I know he doesn't want to continue with PP.

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