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I found a cute song today. (cc)


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My dh's dad used to sing this song and I found the lyrics to it. It is such a cute song, I will share it with my Bible study tonight.


1. When Moses was sent to lead Israel out,

To Canaan's rich fruit-bearing land.

Resisting His Spirit they worshiped a calf,

But refused to obey God's Command.

God did not compel them to go to the land,

Which with wine, milk, and honey did flow,

But fed them on manna for forty long years,

'Till He got them all ready to go.


2. When Balaam was sent to the Moabite king,

And wanted things run his own way,

His mule, ever faithful, spoke at the right time,

Made him willing God's Will to obey.

God can use any man, since He used Balaam's mule,

For He is Almighty you know;

He does not compel us to go 'gainst our will

But He just makes us willing to go.


He does not compel us to go, No! No!

He does not compel us to go.

He does not compel us to go 'gainst our will

But He just makes us willing to go.


3. When the Canaanites hardened their hearts against God

And grieved Him because of their sin,

God sent along hornets to bring them to time,

And help His own people to win.

The hornets persuaded them that it was best,

To go quickly, and not to go slow;

God did not compel them to go 'gainst their will,

But He just made them willing to go.


He does not compel us to go, No! No!

He does not compel us to go.

He does not compel us to go 'gainst our will

But He just makes us willing to go.


4. When Jonah was sent to the work of the Lord,

The outlook was not very bright;

He never had done such a hard thing before,

So he backed and ran off from the fight.

But God sent a big fish to swallow him up,

The story I'm sure you all know;

He did not compel him to go 'gainst his will,

But He just made him willing to go.


He does not compel us to go, No! No!

He does not compel us to go.

He does not compel us to go 'gainst our will

But He just makes us willing to go.


5. If a nest of live hornets were brought to this room

And the creatures allowed to go free,

You would not need urgings to make yourself scarce,

You'd want to get out, don't you see.

They would not lay hold and by force of their strength

Throw you out of the window, Oh No,!

They would not compel you' to go 'gainst your will,

But they'd just make you willing to go.


He does not compel us to go, No! No!

He does not compel us to go.

He does not compel us to go 'gainst our will

But He just makes us willing to go.

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