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Spellwell vs. R&S Spelling


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I've read Kathy Duffy's review for Spellwell spelling program and was considering using it. I just don't hear anyone talk about it on here. Does any one use it here? If so, why have you chosen it/what do you like about it?


I do hear many people praising R&S Spelling. It is also one of Duffy's Top Picks. What distinguishes this program above the rest for you?


Are they comparable programs? Why would you choose one over the other?


By the way, this is for a 3rd grader who so far seems to be a natural speller.

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Spellwell doesn't include the dictionary skills that Spelling by Sound and Structure does. I haven't seen the series in person, but based on the website's description, it also doesn't cover Latin and Greek root words, nor does it have the children write (or otherwise study) their spelling words with all of their definitions. And it only goes through sixth grade; SSS goes through eighth.


It doesn't look bad; it just isn't as comprehensive, IMHO.

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