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Drat Pet's Mart, Drat Reptiles, Drat Ds's fascination, They.Conspired.Against.Me!!!!


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So ds told me last night on the way out the door to take his older brother to classical guitar lessons, that he needed crickets for his critters, and reptile sand and bark so he could change out the frog's aquarium.


Sigh....I have reconciled myself to buying bags of creepy, ugly insects that make creepy noises all the way home, but I am able to enter the icky pet store, veer directly left to the aquatic section and get said creepy insects, and go back the way I came to the check-outs without going anywhere near the wicked, evil reptile section.


I to a circuitous route to that aisle so that I did not have to walk past the PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED SNAKES, drew a deep breath, and thrust myself into the jaws of an aisle that contains all thing reptile care. Squeamishly, I searched the shelves to I found the right items and fatefully grabbed the bag of reptile bark.




I jumped, squealed, and simultaneously dropped the package and the bag of 3 dz. crickets. I darted out of the aisle and tried to calm myself by looking at pretty fish. A worker, whom I had not noticed before, witnessed the entire event and graciously retrieved the crickets. With no dignity left, I slinked to the check-out counter, paid for the creepy things, and left.


Ds was annoyed that I did not bring home the necessary habitat items. I told him to make his father, the lunatic who allowed the lizards and frogs into this house in the first place, take him to the local pet store. I can never enter Pet's Mart again.


If the security camera footage ends up on YOUTUBE, I'm suing the store and the manufacturer of the reptile bark.


i'm probably going to need medication now in order to enter pet stores.


In my opinion, the only animals that "pet stores" should have are bunnies, kitties, puppies, hamsters, guinea pigs, and aquatic creatures. Turtles would be okay. But get that blasted tarantula OUT OF THE SHOWCASE WHERE I HAVE TO CHECKOUT!!!!


Hanging my head in shame,


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I am terrified of fish.


When my son was 4 we were at the pet store and I let him go into the room with the fish tanks to look at the fish.


I hear him telling someone my mommy is afraid of fish. She won't come in here.


I was laughing and embarrassed.


We still laugh about it years later.


There is no chance of me buying crickets!

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