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Theo Gray's Mad Science

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It's definitely an eye- and mind-candy experiment book, but I was wondering if anyone here has actually attempted any experiments from it. I know that some of the experiments require super-expensive or illegal items, so those are obviously out. Or do you use it as a purely theoretical resource?

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We've done a few with our 4-H club as well as with just the boys.


But, we've collected a lot of metals and chemicals over the years that we've been teaching science and so it helps the cost to have a bank of supplies. I'm the made chemist in the house - despite all of the jokes about dh (Imp, refers to him as Thor because he likes things that go "BOOM!") - I am equally as devious in the lab. I'm just religiously observe safety precautions which means I've never lost my eyebrows unlike dh whose eyebrows are generally unwilling to grow back now with any speed.


There are several that aren't too expensive and would be worth trying. I'll have to see if I can find my book and look them up. We haven't used it recently.


United Nuclear (www.unitednuclear.com) is one place you can get elements from.


I've got my own little stash of pure sodium. I'm planning on a 4-H event in which kids build catapults and trebuchets. Along with that, I'm going to present on Greek fire and then use the sodium to "explode" a large wading pool of water. It's a spectacular sight! :D


Theo is my hero!



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My son has done some of these as well as experiments in other books and on the internet. He routinely finds his "materials" at the local feed store. You'd be surprised at what is available...just Google the ingredient and you can often find that it exists as drain cleaner, stump remover, etc. He has purchased items in bulk off the internet as well. All legal and legit :laugh: Often there is a limit on the amount one can purchase at a time. For my son's uses, a little goes a long way.

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I am having images of you gals being under investigation by the Dept. of Homeland Security. :gnorsi:




Ha-Ha, you have NO IDEA!!!


Middle boy and I are putting together our plan to build a geiger counter and create the testing substance. Are you ready for this??? It involves harvesting the tiny amount of Americium 241 contained in smoke detectors. It has a half-life of 430ish years and decays into Plutonium 241. It costs $1500.00 per gram so A. we want to build a VERY sensitive geiger counter that will respond to a teeny, tiny amount of the stuff and B. means that we ask really strange questions of individuals we encounter who are remodeling houses. "Hello, I'm a 4-H leader working on a project that requires a small amount of radioactive material. You wouldn't happen to be throwing away old smoke detectors, would you?"


Well, something like that. The only saving grace of living in an area in which people take "live and let live" to it's farthest extreme is that this doesn't set their radar off. Of course, my insurance policy is that I'm friends with the county sheriff and he knows all about it and wants to play with the counter when we are done. I told him he is on retainer as my character witness. Dh goes metal detecting occasionally with the retired sheriff.


The rocket team that dh and I mentor uses approximately 23. F size engines per year plus a few g's for their mile high rockets. They are ineligible to purchase them since they are under 18. So, they are all purchase in our name...well, those plus the H, I, and J engines that dh and I use to fly monster mile + rockets...rockets whose launches require us to get FAA approval...oh, and the near space weather ballon...there was that one too.


Oh, and I've purchased a small amount of uranium ore from United Nuclear. We give uranium marbles as 4-H prizes! :D For certain, our names are on the Department of Homeland's Security "People who make me want to pee my pants" list. I'm surprised we are still allowed to walk around airports unattended. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Valentine's gifts that float my boat...additions to my elements collection.


I have an AWESOME reactor bowl. I am woman, hear me roar!!!! :biggrinjester:



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This thread is making me think of safety. Gee - I wonder why... :tongue_smilie: ;)


Has anyone ever had luck getting Flinn Scientific to send a catalog to you as a homeschooler? They have an AWESOME catalog - it has an amazing reference section on lab safety. We had one at the high school I taught at before homeschooling and I've always wanted my very own but I see on their website that they'll only send the catalog to certified science teachers in the States. :sad:


Any one ever tried and had any luck?

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My son is paranoid enough that he won't work with his chemicals within a week before flying. He has certain shoes he wears when in his "lab". All things I never mentioned to him but he worries, probably unduly ;)



Well, like I said, I'm safety girl so when I work with the nasties, I don scrubs, lab coat, leather shoes that are only used for that purpose, and pull my hair back so I'm usually pretty certain that a few days of showers right before I fly will take care of the matter.


On the other hand, dh will don a Ralph Lauren suit and wingtips, grab his suitcase and then think, "Wait...now did I put that Muratic Acid away???" AND GO CHECK! I have a policy that if we are flying together, I refuse to go through security with him. My official policy, "Him. Nah...I don't know him!" :smilielol5:


I told him the last time we went to NYC, "Darlin', I love you, but not enough to spend several hours in security. You want to play with fireworks before we leave, that's your business. However, I don't know you if you get stopped."



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I told him the last time we went to NYC, "Darlin', I love you, but not enough to spend several hours in security. You want to play with fireworks before we leave, that's your business. However, I don't know you if you get stopped."




Sometimes when you read quickly, words mix up, I read..."I don't know you if you get stripped" :lol: It all works, right?

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