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A real estate agent left and the person who was looking at our house stayed- doors un

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The real estate agent who brought an offer for our house let the person stay after she left.(not accepted on buyers side)

She said he was suppose to take his car and drive next door if he wanted to ask our neighbor questions. He didn't

So I came home to see my neighbor talking to this person and no real estate agent.

My doors are not locked and this person is there who put an offer on our house.

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Several years ago, we were downsizing to enable me to quit my job and stay home with the boys. We lived in a very nice house at the time, 4200 sq. ft., almost an acre yard. My inlaws had gifted us with some very nice art and some pricey furniture to fill the place. Even though my sons were small and I had "child-proofed" it to my satisfaction, the house still contained a lot of family antiques from the inlaws that my children were not allowed to touch. For that reason, we had chosen NOT to have an open house, but to show it by appointment only. You get the idea.


Well, one day our realtor called to schedule a showing. I gave my consent, sent the children over to the grandparents' house, and left the house myself well before the showing to take the dog to the vet. The vet appointment was shorter than I expected, so I got back home before the prospective buyers showed up. I decided to park about a half-a-block from the house and just wait. Well, the prospective buyers, a young couple, arrived with their realtor, but mine didn't show. The buyers' realtor let his clients in the house, and SAT DOWN OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR ON A BENCH I KEPT THERE. I called my realtor on my cell phone to find out why he wasn't there. When I finally tracked him down, about 20 minutes later, and was talking to him on the phone, cars begin to pull up to my house. People get out of the cars and go into the house -- several families of people with about four or five children total. The kids were running around wildly. I freaked out, hung up on my realtor, and went to my front porch to give the buyers' realtor a piece of my mind.


Long story short, the young couple liked the house so much, they called their extended family -- parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc. -- to come see it and get their opinion. I threw them all out. They did end up buying the house, but it was not because I was nice to them.


I think you're justified to be mad. I sure was.

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