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Insect Lore: Butterflies and Ladybugs.


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My DS1 got a glow in the dark ant colony for Christmas. We ordered the ants but they can't deliver due to the cold. He'll be excited when they come. We've enjoyed doing the butterflies in the past. I have a kit in the basement that's been sitting there for 2 years; it might be time to finally order and do it again with DD and DS2.

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We did butterflies and ladybugs both, and they were indeed really fun! Next time we'll do them in late spring or summer so we can set them free instead of having to keep them until they die. I was impressed with how hardy those butterflies are-- One got trapped under the orange plate-- stoneware-- for three days, and when I finally found it and freed it, it took about 12 hours to uncrumple its wings again and then it was fine again!


Come to think of it, we're doing bio this year . . . maybe I need to order a set of each this spring . . . though with a year old kitten it could be trickier. We had only older cats last time, and they left them alone. With the kitten around, I can just see coming downstairs in the morning to find butterflies all over the house and the cat leaping from the top of the china cabinet!!

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