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Has anyone done 2 Beautiful Feet guides at once?

Michelle My Bell

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I will be using the geography and history of science programs next year. I will also be teaching the IEW writing lessons along side both of them. Seems do-able to me. I already own the geo lessons and books and maps. I did purchase the download version of the science guide so that I could preview ALL of it. I wanted to make sure we wouldn't be overwhelmed with doing both programs.

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These is the exact plan I want to use with my 7 and 9 yr. olds (well, both have late fall birthdays so turning 8 and 10 in the fall). I am going to do early american (probably combining primary and intermediate guides somehow to fit my kids levels) as our main program and geography once a week. I talked to BF and they said that it is common to use both guides at the same time.

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