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Apologia Chemistry VS BJU Chemistry with DVD

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I am trying to decide which chemistry course to use next year. I will have two students who will be doing chemistry. One is very math and science oriented and the other is not at all. We have always used Apologia and the Mathy/science oriented one would probably do well with it, but I don't know about my other son. He is struggling this year with Conceptual Physics.


If you have experience with these courses I'd love your opinions.

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Are you using the DIVE CD? If so, it won't matter which text you use. I have used both Apologia and BJU chemistry. I taught Apologia chemistry in our co-op at the parents request. As you know, it isn't my favorite text, but it certainly isn't horrible either. I prefer BJU chemistry, but the text can be overwhelming to some students. I taught the youngest 2 boys using BJU with the DIVE CD. We found that to be a very do-able course. According to the DIVE site, you don't even have to have a text, but since chemistry is my thing, I really wanted them to have it. And, if you've kept up with the "why textbooks are bad" thread, it's probably a good thing we did :)


If you use the DIVE CD the boys could use different texts...the tests will be the same because you use the ones on the DIVE and all the information covered on the test is taught on the DIVE.


As far as labs go, you just do the labs on the CD - he gives you a supply list, etc. and it was very easy to obtain materials. I invested in real lab glassware and my son already had an excellent digital scale. We used their backpack camp stoves for bunsen burners. I think the DIVE made it a very nice experience :)

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