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Talk to me about IEW for 6th grade


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DD (almost 11, finishing 5th grade) is partway through WWE4. This was our first year using WWE, and I had thought we'd just go on to WWS when she finishes WWE4, but I'm uncertain about that. Tonight, a friend was showing me her IEW materials; they were K-3, I think, so too young for DD, but they did look interesting.


The entire package of IEW is way out of my budget (DVDs and all). What do I really NEED to have in order to do IEW successfully with a 6th grader (who doesn't really enjoy writing but who definitely needs the practice with style and such)? Do I just want one of the themed books to use as a supplement with WWS?



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I used the Medieval themed book from IEW for my DS and DD when they were in 6th and 5th grades, respectively. Astonishingly wonderful. I did writing projects alongside them. To prepare myself I used the DVD set that they sell to show how to use this program, which I found to be a confidence-boosting experience. My DD sat there and watched part of it with me and got excited! We are now in 8/7th grade and using the Logic themed book as a supplement to Memoria's Traditional Logic WB's. Also excellent. I think a few years of the IEW structure/style approach will help any kid with writing in any format... good luck.

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I wouldn't do IEW as a supplement to WWS. I'd do one or the other at a time. Together would be too much and I think you'd lose the best parts of both. We did WWE4 last year, doing IEW this year, and will do WWS next year.


IEW has been wonderful for my previously writing-phobic DS. Amazing turnaround in his attitude, ability and confidence.


I'd recommend IEW's Student Writing Intensive level B, with you watching the DVDs with your student to learn the program. This was how we did it and it worked great for us. (I didn't use the Teaching Writing Structure & Style DVD). After doing this, for just over a hundred bucks retail, you're set for writing across the curriculum on your own. This is where Andrew Pudewa gives the instruction to the student. The DVD viewing time is usually 30 minutes to an hour (not all at once) per lesson, with a lesson usually taking a week or even two to do the writing, depending on which schedule you follow. So the DVD viewing time and the actual writing isn't in huge chunks and it is spaced out.


The Teaching Writing Stucture & Style seminar on DVD for you as the teacher would be nice but not absolutely necessary. I may not know what I'm missing since I didn't use it, but I totally felt like I had a good grip on the program without it. But you could do this instead of the Student Writing Intensive, and then you teach it to your student yourself.


As a follow-up to Student Writing Intensive B, we then did the Ancient History theme books. We didn't need to, just chose to. I wouldn't recommend doing the theme books without having watched the DVDs from either the Student Writing Intensive or Teaching Writing Structure & Style. You could do it, but IMO the teacher's manual for the theme books just doesn't have the depth of what you get from the DVDs.


My DS is doing his narrations using the key word outline and style techniques on his own now. It's second-nature now. It's awesome. :coolgleamA:


The products are pricey if you buy new, but IEW does accept returns at any time, no questions asked, so remember that. I see you have younger kids coming up too, so you can definitely re-use this with them. Or look for it used. That's how I got mine. Re-sale value is excellent in case you do decide to sell it later.

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