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Say you were going to start Barton and use HST+ for record keeping...


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How would you set it up in HST+?


I have my Barton level for my daughter so we can see if this is the thing we've been needing to finally get her reading at grade level.


I use HST+ but I'm not sure how to set up lesson plans for Barton. Yes the levels have lessons, but it's not like you'd definitely do a lesson a day or anything like that. So do I just use a really basic weekly planner that just lists it as "Barton Reading and Spelling" and then I can type in what part we actually do after it's done for the day?


Anyone use Barton and HST+ and have a system for how to do this.

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While I don't use Barton, I have used some curriculum that doesn't have clear cut stop-n-go daily lessons, and HST+. What I do is just create a generic lesson plan for the subject without listing actual assignments.

For example, it would be Math:CLE100:next lesson. (CLE does actually have clear cut daily lessons but I don't go by their schedule as I think their daily lessons are too long)


I duplicate it a hundred times or so.

Schedule each week, I only submit/schedule lessons place for one week at a time, as I like to plan a week as we go along. That only takes 10 minutes a Sunday night, since the LP's are already to go .


So that week, CLE is on our schedule, so I know to do it, but I just decided

Exactly what we will do each day


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That's what I'm thinking I'll need to do. I just wasn't sure if I should put it in LPs or just in the weekly planner. I use AAS for my other son and AAR for my youngest, they don't have clear cut lessons per day, but I know about how long it takes us to get through a step so I usually just put those in as Spelling: AAS Level X: Step X day A, B, C etc.


I also plan a week at a time too, but sometimes we're still off with my above way of doing things because sometimes things don't take us that long, sometimes longer.

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There are Yahoo groupsthat people post lesson plans they have already created (non copyrighted programs) I have been able to download many different programs.


The groups are broken down by subject, math, LA, science etc.


You might try seeing what others have done.





That's the first place I looked. I didn't see Barton in any of the lists of what has been posted.

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I'd just leave it open and type in those lessons at the end of the week, if you want to have an electronic copy, or if you want a final printed copy that is all typed. I use a planner form I made up in word, but I leave most things blank and just write in what we actually do each day.


Merry :-)

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Merry I remember your word planner, I've made many variations on it over the years. I always think HST+ will be easier, but it frustrates me so much sometimes. I guess I stick with it because I thought transcripts would be easier with it, but I'm not so sure about that anymore.

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When I used AAS, I just included it in the weekly planner. I wasn't really needing to keep records of what we did though, nor grades. For most subjects, I'm able to more easily guess what we will need to do each week, so I really appreciate HST+ for those subjects.

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We use Barton and HST+. I just listed each lesson in Barton: Lesson 1: Vowels Lesson 2: Consonants, etc. whatever they were. Then I just added Lesson 1 as an assignment, say on January 1st and marked it completed. Then added Lesson 1 the next day and completed (whatever days you actually do it). Then when we finished Lesson 1, I added Lesson 2 the same way. Usually I know a lesson is going to last several days, so usually I just add 5 days manually of a Lesson and then add more if needed. I wish HST+ had a "worked on" feature instead of having to mark "completed", but this way works for me.


Good luck,

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