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Could Notgrass World History be using without the literature portion?

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I am looking for a World History course for my 10th grader and had Notgrass, but sold it because I felt the lit would have been too much for him. He is the one who doesn't like to read/is a slow reader. He has been reading all summer and is doing well with books he likes so I am not worried so much with his ability. Now I am wondering if Notgrass could be done without the lit or would it be missing the point? I do have TWEM and TTC planned for him and my 12th grader.



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It can absolutely be used without the literature. The textbook, review questions, writing assignments, quizzes, and tests are a full history course, imo.


From the Notgrass website: "The history credit involves reading the lessons and the original documents (and answering the questions in the optional Quiz and Exam Book if desired). The English credit involves studying the grammar points (four times per week), completing the writing assignments, and reading the assigned books, as well as the poems, hymns, and short stories in In Their Words. The Bible credit involves answering the Bible Study Questions (mentally, verbally, or on paper) and reading the Bible study lesson for each unit. A considerable portion of the first third of the curriculum is Bible history. These lessons are also included in the Bible credit. Since the course involves three credits, students should expect to spend two to three hours per day on it--more or less depending on reading speed."


Even though Notgrass says the writing is part of the English credit, I would require some (maybe not one a week, but definitely quite a few of them) for the history credit.

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Thanks! We are going to be using IEW for writing, so maybe I can use what he is learning in IEW and use the Notgrass.I don't have TWEM in my hands yet, but I am wondering if some of the books on the Notgrass list will be in TWEM? Maybe I can do a few of them anyways.

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Thanks! We are going to be using IEW for writing, so maybe I can use what he is learning in IEW and use the Notgrass.I don't have TWEM in my hands yet, but I am wondering if some of the books on the Notgrass list will be in TWEM? Maybe I can do a few of them anyways.
This is basically what dd has done for Notgrass World History. She has read some of the books. SHe did none of their writing assignments. To be quite honest, I'm not very impressed with the assignments myself. She does a write-up of each section IEW style and answers the questions that go along with the selections.
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