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Dog's nail broke


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Our dog broke her nail close to the paw. It was bloody at first but not now. We have been keeping her resting and she can walk without limping unless she gets too excited. Should I put something on it like an antibiotic cream? I know to sock the paw to keep her from licking it off. Or just let her lick at it (no cream added) and keep her resting?

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When this happened to my dog a year or so ago I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide daily and left it at that. This year the same dog had to have his nail removed b/c it broke partway and was hanging on and painful. The vet cleaned it and wrapped it. I think we had to keep it wrapped for maybe a week. Then we could take it off and not have to do anything to it. Both times the nail grew back fine. Our dog has some issues with his nails and was on some medications for a while.

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My dorky dog ( see avatar ) got an Owie Paw when he was running around jumping from couch to couch. This was AFTER a 1.5 hour walk. He must have caught his nail on his dew claw on the piping on the couch because he ripped his nail to the quick.


He wouldn't stop licking it and it wouldn't stop bleeding so the next day he went to the Owie Paw Doctor. She gave him a Special Cone and Special Medicine and Fun Medicine. *


And he released his Anal Glands all over her and her Helper.



*cone, antibiotic, and pain pills

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