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Videos for U.S. geography -- your favorites???

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Dd will be studying U.S. regions, and I would like to find some videos to supplement her books and workbooks.


So far, we have:

BBC Atlas of the World: Land of the Eagle

America's Great Road Trips and Scenic Drives

and I am looking at some of the many national parks video series


Yes, I know that is pretty pitiful. I am not having much luck searching online. Does anyone have any ideas?? The books we are using are on Northeast, Southeast, etc. -- it would be fantastic to find videos about U.S. regions.

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How the states got their shapes. (I think that's the title)



This sounds wonderful! And it is available on Amazon Instant for free (except last disk), Netflix DVD, and my public library. I love it when things are so easy to get!


Oh, and the Ken Burns series about the National Parks - America's Best Idea is the subtitle, I think.



Thank you for the recommendation -- I's sort of passed over this, because it didn't go park by park. But I see it has received lots of awards, plus it is available on Netflix streaming. It sounds historically oriented, so it would be a nice companion to the BBC Atlas (also history oriented).


We also like The States made by The History Channel. Amazon has the DVD set for about $15 currently, not bad for 4 DVDs. This series spends about 10 minutes on a brief summary of each state's history, industry, cultural tidbits, etc.



I think I found what you are thinking of -- the 4 disk set. If I'm right, the full title is How the States Got Their Shapes. My library website says it's based on a book -- that's a plus, since I sometimes (well, often) forget points that I'd like to remember, lol.


Thank you -- these are a great help! And I will keep checking for any more ideas. We usually watch a video during lunch, so we go through a lot.

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This sounds wonderful! And it is available on Amazon Instant for free (except last disk), Netflix DVD, and my public library. I love it when things are so easy to get!




Thank you for the recommendation -- I's sort of passed over this, because it didn't go park by park. But I see it has received lots of awards, plus it is available on Netflix streaming. It sounds historically oriented, so it would be a nice companion to the BBC Atlas (also history oriented).




I think I found what you are thinking of -- the 4 disk set. If I'm right, the full title is How the States Got Their Shapes. My library website says it's based on a book -- that's a plus, since I sometimes (well, often) forget points that I'd like to remember, lol.


Thank you -- these are a great help! And I will keep checking for any more ideas. We usually watch a video during lunch, so we go through a lot.



Just to clarify, for you and for others who may be reading this thread, How the States Got Their Shapes is not the same as the series called just The States. I've seen both of them. Both are great - I just wanted to give you another option in addition to the one the previous poster mentioned.


If you click on my earlier link, it takes you to The States, a set of 4 DVDs as listed for sale on Amazon. It is not currently available on Prime streaming, unfortunately.


How the States Got Their Shapes is the other one you're looking at. As you said, the first season (10 episodes) IS now available on Prime streaming. This is a link to the first episode of that series.


Just wanted to clear that up. Like I said, both of them are great!

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Just to clarify, for you and for others who may be reading this thread, How the States Got Their Shapes is not the same as the series called just The States. I've seen both of them. Both are great - I just wanted to give you another option in addition to the one the previous poster mentioned.


If you click on my earlier link, it takes you to The States, a set of 4 DVDs as listed for sale on Amazon. It is not currently available on Prime streaming, unfortunately.


How the States Got Their Shapes is the other one you're looking at. As you said, the first season (10 episodes) IS now available on Prime streaming. This is a link to the first episode of that series.


Just wanted to clear that up. Like I said, both of them are great!


Oh, thank you for coming back to the this thread. Gosh, I feel like an idiot! (Maybe I could pretend it's because I posted at midnight???) I obviously confused two different replies.... You went to the trouble of including a link, and I didn't click on it. SORRY!! My public library has it (found it when I searched under History Classics), but I just ordered from Amazon. I see that the states are covered in a different order from what I plan to do, so I would want these DVDs for a much longer time than the library would let me have them. We are going to do state notebooking pages from Homeschool in the Woods, so your videos look like a great match.


I started looking at How the States Got Their Shapes last night. I enjoyed it, but it does not seem like the right series for starting out. I saw that there are ten episodes on streaming (ist 3 disks), but, in the DVD set, there is a 4th disk labelled as bonus special on Amazon and a series pilot on Netflix.


Thank you for being kind, not snarky!

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Your topic title made me think of a 4 min YouTube video that sings (in a soothing sort of rap) the states/capitals while someone draws a map w/ symbols:

I love it!


Oh, that's funny! Just last night, we were listening to the Ray Charles song, Fifty, Nifty United States, which dd learned last year.


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