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I have adopted a bouncing, baby....


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sourdough starter :001_cool:


It has been over a decade since I had a starter in the house. The kind homeschooler who donated it to me put it in a nice clean jar for it's new home.


It sat on my counter for about 6 hours and it was all bubbly. I capped it loosely and put it in the fridge. It is thin, mild and very white. It was originally started 10 years ago. My old starter was darker, thicker and smelled much stronger. I am sure this one has been treated better than I treated my old one.


So, how can I keep this one looking so nice and smelling so good? She said she always pours off any dark liquid that forms on the top. I was taught to stir that back in, so that might account for the sweet mildness.


It has been a looong time since I did any sourdough baking. What have I got myself into? :lol:


I am thinking I should take it out tomorrow, let it perk up and feed it? Maybe use what I take off to start some waffles for dinner?

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Ok, I took it out of the fridge and put it back on the counter.


Its just that I once had a starter foam up out of the bowl, ooze across the table and start across the kitchen floor before I stopped it. It might be difficult to convince the kids to eat it if it does something like that.

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Congratulations on the lovely new addition. You must be so proud and thrilled. :D


Normally, I would ask you to post pictures, but unless you've also got a puppy or a kitten (or perhaps a cute red squirrel) to pose next to it, maybe we should just pass on the photos for now... ;)

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Oooh, we could compare notes on how our babies are growing! :laugh: Actually, you're way ahead of me. I just started my own from scratch last week. Then we had a heat wave :glare: I nearly lost my nerve after a few days because it was smelling so interesting, but after Googling, I stayed strong and sure enough, it's nearly a week, and it's starting to smell like sourdough :hurray:

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Oooh, we could compare notes on how our babies are growing! :laugh: Actually, you're way ahead of me. I just started my own from scratch last week. Then we had a heat wave :glare: I nearly lost my nerve after a few days because it was smelling so interesting, but after Googling, I stayed strong and sure enough, it's nearly a week, and it's starting to smell like sourdough :hurray:


opposite problems, lol. I had to borrow starter because we are deep into winter here (well, as much winter as we get anymore), and there was no way I was going to be patient enough to make my own. Summer is the time for that. These days, butter doesn't even get soft on my counter.


I want to increase the volume right now, so I fed it this morning without taking any out. I really hope I don't kill it.


Anyone have a sourdough bread recipe they want to share?

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