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How expensive is the Fresh 20?


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By that I mean is it costing you more to follow their menu? I love the idea of eating less processed foods and having a meal plan already made for me.....but I can't just spend whatever I want on food. Do you find their estimated costs to be accurate? I have tried to do this myself to a point, but I think that not having an idea of what to make has been part of my challenge.

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I've not had issue with it being higher in cost and honestly I don't think it's much more costly than eating a higher quality diet that isn't planned out. They use simple mostly accessible ingredients. We've liked many of the meals thus far and with the archives, we've substituted those I know we wouldn't like.

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Our weekly expense is greater than the approx. $80 estimates, but I do most of my shopping at a nearby upscale grocery. Even then, I don't often go over $110, except on halibut and salmon weeks (we get the good stuff). You might see a higher expense over the first few weeks if you need to build up your supply of pantry ingredients.

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That doesn't sound terrible. We're a family of 5, children are 6yo and under. We usually spend around $500-600 a month on food. I know we could do better, but my first goal is just being more purposeful with where our dollars are going. So I would rather spend extra on good, nutritious food that I planned for than on another unplanned take-out night because I'm tired and don't know what we're having for dinner. Which has been happening way too much the past couple of months. I think I burned out on menu planning. However, I wanted to make sure it wasn't going to double our budget!

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