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Les Mis surprise!


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My youngest is a junior in our local ps. As a family, we went to see Les Miserables last Friday and we all loved it... no big deal there, right?


Well... today, after school, he tells me that in the boy's locker room before gym he and a buddy of his (who had seen it twice) started singing One More Day - then were joined by several other young men from various areas in the locker room. :svengo:


What is this world coming to when 17 year olds from an average public school in semi-rural US start singing songs from a cinema musical in the locker room??? I love it! :D


FWIW, my kids have been raised with some theater as I love it, but being rural, we don't get a whole lot of it around and it's rare to find other youngsters who enjoy it. It doesn't really surprise me that my guys like it. I am, however, surprised at there being a bit of local appeal to teen guys - to the point where they can sing the songs in the locker room. One young lad admitted to my guy that he had watched it 4 times already. My two guys (middle son is home from college) are going to watch it again now - must keep up with everyone else, after all. ;)

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My oldest loved it too; the power of the big screen.


I love live theater myself, but it just isn't really available here. Okay, we do have a local theater company, but the quality will never inspire 17 yr olds to sign in the locker room.


It's similar here with regards to true theater (sigh). I think, like you said, it's the power of the big screen coupled with catchy tunes guys like.

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My favorite Les Mis memory is from when I was a missionary for my church. All the guys I served with were 19-21 years old and always went around singing Master of the House and One More Day. This was about 15 years ago.


Had they watched it at a good theater? I watched it when I was young (local traveling show), but don't remember anyone going around afterward singing - just discussing the story. Of course, I never checked the boy's locker room...

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