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DH bought the dreaded PopTarts as a treat for the kiddos...

Ewe Mama

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I sympathize. For our family, it's the Fruitloop Effect. Very Scary. I really don't think it's the sugar (at least not in our case), it's the coloring and other petroleum-based cr*p they put in those things. I really do appreciate it when dh stops to pick up a couple things at the grocery that I need and/or forgot to get myself. It's a trade-off I sometimes have to make peace with. FWIW, I am definitely anti-Oreo, but only because I think they taste horrible - I wouldn't even eat them as a child (and I'm generally NOT a picky eater :D ).


:svengo: :boxing_smiley: My heart breaks for you. I hope that someday, you will come to see the light. Hint: It's at the center of the yummy dark cookies. :leaving:

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