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TOG and Geography.. to keep or not to keep?


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I have to say I love Tapestry.... I don't like the geography. We are in Unit 4 of Year 1 and we have skipped geography since half way through unit 1. The kids didn't like it and I didn't like it. The maps confused me.


So my question is... does it get better in Year 2 (3 or 4)? Before I switched to Tapestry I was using Geography Matters. The kids liked it. So I was thinking of incorporating it back into our homeschool. However if it gets better than I will keep it.


Geography and Writing are the only complaints I have with TOG. Otherwise it has been a life (and time!) saver!


Any insight?

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I'm assuming you have younger children? The maps make more sense as they hit dialectic level because the location of things starts to matter more. I just use them now to familiarize my 2nd grader with how to find the information. He uses seterra online to memorize countries. I don't use the writing either.



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