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Decided to do IEP testing


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We finally decided to do IEP testing through our homeschool charter school for our 13 year old ds. I have mixed feelings, part of me wished we had done it sooner, part of me wanted to rip up the paperwork and say never mind, LOL.


It's a 3 step process, we met with the psychologist last Friday. I felt like she really understood my struggles with Blake. I was able to explain the wierd things he does when he writes that make me think he has dysgraphia. I told her we are 99.9% sure he has ADHD and while he's been easy to work with all through elementary school, middle school has been a nightmare. I was so worried that she would be judgemental, but she was awesome. I was so stressed out by the process that I totally cried after I walked out of the testing room.


After the testing we talked a bit without Blake. She told me he was brilliantly smart and was answering questions faster than she could write the answers down, but then she said he really struggles with abstract concepts. It was an eye opening conversation.


So now we meet with her again on Friday for another test, I forget the name, but she said it was too many tests to do all at once. The first appointment took 3 hours... Then he will do more testing with a specialist at the school. Once all of that is done they compile the info and we have an IEP meeting. I hope we can get some answers.

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Right there with ya! My boys (13 and 15) are being tested, too. So far they've just had speech evals..."Both boys did a fabulous job, and worked really hard. See you at the IEP meeting." Not sure if I'm supposed to read anything into that or not! (LOL!) It could either mean....they did so fabulously that there are no issues (that honestly wouldn't surprise me too much, despite some prior & self-reported pragmatic issues with my eldest)...or it could mean, "I'm not saying anything right now...I'll tell you at the meeting." (Less likely, but possible.) The doc told me I wouldn't get any help from the schools...but they seem to be so helpful so far! I'm just hoping not to get blind-sided by the unexpected during "the meeting". I guess so long as I go with the expectation that they are going to try to convince me there are no problems...then if they offer help I'll be positively surprised rather than devastated.


I've been through this process before when my eldest was around 8yo....not fond memories. I've been avoiding repeating the experience!! But, so far so good!


Hopefully we'll both get answers, and services.


I too, have mixed feelings, btw!! And one day I'm convinced they'll never make it, they'll live at home for the rest of their lives unable to cope, and the next day I'm wondering if they even need services! But...here we are, and I will press on! There have been enough of the former days to convince me its time to seek help for them!


Anyway, no advice...just company for the journey!

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