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Question about Notability app and pdfs


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I transferred some pdfs to the Notability app (which I love -- thanks for the recommendation, Hive!). DD has decided that doing math that way is way more fun than using paper, and I'm happy to print just the occasional page for the portfolio and not have so much paper around. So my question is this: if DD writes on the pdfs and then I want to use them again for another child in a few years, what's the best way to do that? Do I actually need to cut (with the scissors tool) everything written on every page? If it was, for instance, a Word document, I'd just do "save as" and give it a different name, keeping the original clean and ready for future use. I think there's not a way to do that in Notability, is there?

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Oh. Duh. I can't believe I didn't think of that myself. Scissors or eraser, either one would still be pretty time-consuming to do on several sheets. Transferring a new copy definitely would be the right way to go. And since I'm using Dropbox to transfer to Notability, it should be super simple.


Many thanks!

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