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PA HS AP Human Geography Q

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Can those with experience tell me about the work load for this class?


I have read many threads and reviews about how great this class is and how much students learn, but I was hoping to learn a bit about the amount of hours spent on this class. I assume a hefty reading load, but can I get some specifics? Also, how much writing is involved? Number, length, and type of papers?


What kind of preparation did your child have going in?


I hope to decide if it will be a good fit for my ds with other classes he will be doing. Thanks.

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I'll do the easy questions first....


There are not that many papers - and they are one page...about 6-8 over the year.


There are two texts - Fellman and Kuby - Fellman being much more difficult...


About 30 pages of small print/large page/week (questions are sophisticated - 6-9 generally - dd says pretty hard), q week 30 min videos, and another chapter 5-7 pages (Kuby) and exercises...Occasionally there is only reading in one book...After Christmas..


The questions are supposed to be at least a paragraph I believe...Dd's tended to be too short at first but she's really learned how to develop her answers - a very important skill.


When ds did it - I'd say he worked about 12 hours/week...(in 10th)

Dd - averages about 13-15...depending on how hard the questions are that week...




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Dd took class last year as a 10th grader. Similar experience to above poster. She spend about 12-15 hours per week. The textbook reading/questions were very time-consuming. The writing was mostly informal essays. There were a couple that had to be done with a partner.


I'd say the best preparation for the class is to pay attention to worldwide news/stories/events and have some background in world history. Dd happened to be taking modern world history concurrently with AP Human Geo, and it proved to be a a great benefit. She was able to draw on that background when answering the FRQ on the AP test.

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Can those with experience tell me about the work load for this class?


I have read many threads and reviews about how great this class is and how much students learn, but I was hoping to learn a bit about the amount of hours spent on this class. I assume a hefty reading load, but can I get some specifics? Also, how much writing is involved? Number, length, and type of papers?


What kind of preparation did your child have going in?


I hope to decide if it will be a good fit for my ds with other classes he will be doing. Thanks.


The question was continuing in dd's mind and the other night when she was staying up late to finish her AP HG assignment she said - "tell that person who asked about AP HG that it is extremely important that your ds really wants to take the course."


She says that if she were not personally motivated - I would have trouble motivating her enough for her to really do the work which can be time consuming and take a lot of thought - she says especially if he is under-aged...


Dd says you should really investigate 'why' the student wants to do the course - and make sure that the reason of motivation is not just a 'passing fancy'...:-)




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