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Home Art Studio Placement ?


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I'm going to try a level of this for the second half of our school year since art just isn't happening around here. But I can't figure out which level to start my DD in. She is 9 and has had very little art instruction. She loves art but isn't that great at it. Her drawings look more like a K-er or 1st grader due to some learning difficulties.



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My kids are 6 and 9 and we started with the K level. We have finished 8 projects so far, and I will say this: art is getting done. (Note: I am not an art person.)


Anyhow, you should be perfectly happy at the K level. Both of my kids do the projects, but their projects just have a different level of sophistication.

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Well, HSBC has such a great whole-set deal right now, LOL, I say get 'em all and start at the beginning! :D




Yes....get the entire set at that deal. My 9 year old tried all of the samples on the website and said she wanted to start at the very beginning and eventually do every single dvd. She doesn't care that it says K....she's having a lot of fun with it.

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My dd is 8 and loves doing art but I figured we would start with the 1st grade one. I ordered the 1, 2, 3 grade pack. I was considering the K video but knew it had some K stuff like the alphabet song and figured my dd might think it babyish. If I really like the program I will order all the other videos to have them on hand.

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