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Starting ordinary parents guide when already beginning reading?

Guest barefootbabies

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Guest barefootbabies

I just stumbled upon the WTM and classical teaching and am sort of confused. I am currently planning for my son' s K5 year and was looking at the recommendations in the WTM for kindergarten andwhileand while I am sure my guy would benefit from the systematic phonics covered in the ordinary parents guide I don't exactly know how to use it, as he has been playing on reading eggs for a while now and is already reading simple phonetic books. I am hesitant to buy the book till I see how it will work for us. Would this be something I should start him on at the beginning and just fly through lessons we already know or is there a way to tell where we should start? I thought I remembered seeing somewhere that this book would take them well past first grade reading level, so I don't want to miss out on that opportunity. Please excuse my lack of coherent writing, I'm being helped by a sick for month old who doesn't want to share my attention with the tablet.

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My daughter is in the same place as your son. She just turned 5 and taught herself to read using random websites and reading eggs and "reading" herself lots of books. I had used OPGTR with my older son so we just jumped right in. I did a quick 10 minute review to make sure that she had all the letter sounds correct and then jumped right into Lesson 27. It was incredibly easy for her but we just kept going through lessons for 10-15 minutes daily until we got to a lesson that she had to work to read. Then we slowed down to one lesson per day.


OPGTR will have them reading on about a 4th grade level when they complete the book.

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Guest barefootbabies

Thank you so much, so we should be safe planning to start at 27 then? He is on map 8 on reading eggs so I figure we will have a decent amount of opg lessons that are review, I just didn't want him to be miserably bored.

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OPG is very logically organized and it's very easy to look at the table of contents and figure out where your kid is and what you can skip. I also skipped to lesson 27 with my oldest as she already knew her letter sounds when we started. The book is written in such a way that it is easy to do so.


It sounds to me as though he might be beyond lesson 27. After cvc words, the book goes into beginning blends ( fl, cl, bl, st, etc) then into consonant digraphs I believe ( sh, ch, etc). IMO, you can jump in wherever your kid is and plug ahead and be fine.

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You could skip ahead, but I did find that my daughter who was about the same place in reading eggs did have some trouble with some of the blends that either the accent difference with Reading eggs or that they just didn't cover tripped her up. We flew through the first 20 or so lesson in about 2 weeks, It wasn't until the 40's where there were some blends that we had to slow down and make sure that she had correctly. She was guessing some words rather than sounding them out since they looked similar to words that she had seen in Reading Eggs.


I would see if the Library has the book and then look around and see where you think he is at. If she could read the words with the blends when they were introduced (without me saying them first like the book tells you to) then we skipped right to the next lesson without reading the sentences. It let her get up to a lesson that was work for her, without boring her, and still allowing me to make sure that she had all the basics down since she taught herself .

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We first checked the book out from our library, so we could see how it worked for us. After renewing it the maximum number of times, I figured I ought to just buy it ! :-)


We skipped ahead through the stuff I was sure she knew, lightly reviewed things I wasn't sure about, and then slowed down when we got to the new stuff.


Good luck!

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