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Prayer request please - kidney donation within my family


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I know there are some great prayer warriors on here, so may I ask for prayer for my aunt and uncle? My aunt is donating her kidney to my uncle (her brother) today. Her surgery should have just ended, and his is in an hour. My uncle has been sick for a long time, and this is the final step in helping him stay alive. They are both wonderful people, and I'm close to both of them and their families. I'm 1000 miles away so waiting for updates is hard right now.


Thanks so much!

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What a tremendous gift, and how terrifying for all of you!


For what it's worth, my sister donated a kidney to my father 10 years ago. He surely would have been dead without it and is doing great now. No ill effects for either of them. Her recovery was harder than his, though. He woke up feeling better than he had in years!


Best wishes to you and your family.

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Thank you for the prayers, everyone! I just heard from my aunt (my uncle's wife). My uncle is feeling well, has been up walking, and is eating soft foods. She has not seen my aunt yet, but she does know that my aunt was having nausea from the pain medicines so they had to work on that for her. She heard the nurses are going to let my aunt come see my uncle this afternoon. He is very excited for that because he's been worried about her.

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