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Well, I'm a mess

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The 7 older kids just left with dh for a week of vacation. I hate walking by the empty bedrooms and am unnerved by the lack of activity and noise! They have been gone for less than 5 minutes and already I'm ready to call them and tell them forget it, turn around and come get the rest of us - my sister can find someone else to take her son until we come back! :(


I got a huge email from her yesterday regarding things her son does/is used to. Good grief. We are polar opposites in what we do with our dc.


I'd love to hear from anyone who has taken in a young child - tips, tricks? When I've taken care of kids before, whether for a week or all summer, they do what we do, eat what we eat, etc. I'm hoping this little guy is able to acclimate well because I don't even let my own dc sleep in my bed and no way am I letting him stay up as late as my sister has allowed. ;)

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Well, from what you've said he doesn't have a routine at all. I would think at his age he's going to want to do what all your olders are doing and hopefully he'll go with the flow. I bet the limited tv/games and the healthy food will eventually be a battle, as well as maybe a bedtime? But with your numbers, hopefully the herd mentality will kick in. ;) good luck!

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So wait-- all your helpers, plus dh, are gone for a week, leaving you with kids ages 3, 2, 1yo twins, plus your sister's little? No reprieve? God bless you. Oh my word, that does not sound pleasant. I hope it goes really smoothly and that your little charge acclimates well to the new environment.

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