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Teach Me Joy Cursive vs. New American (MP)


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I'm picking our cursive program for a few months from now...

I've decided to go with a simplified cursive, similar to NAC or what Teach Me Joy uses.


For those that have had experience with these (either), why did you like it? Why would you recommend one of these over the other? Some reviews I've seen for NAC said that it teaches letters in order, not by stroke. What about Teach Me Joy? Does it matter?

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While I know nothing about NAC, I do know that Teach Me Joy teaches the letters by stroke. I'm just starting to use it with my son. I like that there is a short section to do daily and that the letters are simple and aren't too frilly. I'm not sure if teaching by stroke matters or not, but it seems to make sense to me to teach all of the "like" letters together (if that helps).

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My son loved NAC and now writes in cursive very easily and legibly. Having taught three kids how to write in cursive, I can honestly tell you that it doesn't make one darn bit of difference in what order you learn the letters. What makes them "fluent" in cursive is practice. Every day until they have it down cold. Once my kids learned the basics, they had to write everything in cursive...spelling words, WWE dictation, narration...everything. Yes, there will be whining :D, but the learning curve is short, and then they find it much easier to write in cursive than print.


And they can impress all their PS friends who, if they're like the kids around here, don't know cursive and can't even read it. :001_huh:

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