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Breakfast with Khan Academy

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Every morning this week, while we ate breakfast, we watched some Khan Academy astronomy videos. Both Tigger and Little Guy are very excited about it. Today, as we watched the one with the photos of galaxies taken by the Hubble telescope, Little Guy started telling me about "all the stars in earth. And all the stars up in the sky and all the galaxies!" He doesn't understand much of it, but he is sure enjoying it and asks if we can watch more videos "about space."


Tigger has been working on the cooking challenges at Do It Yourself to earn badges. (Thanks to whoever suggested it in this forum). Now he found out he can earn badges from Khan Academy, so he wants to do math problems.


I also recently subscribed to some science podcasts: Bytesize Science, Astronomy Cast, and Minute Physics. We both enjoyed learning about why Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet.


Tigger seems very happy this week. I think he went two whole days (!!!) without throwing a fit or arguing with me! I wonder if the astronomy videos are part of the reason why, since I haven't changed much else.

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My gifted 2nd grader has just gotten on Khan Academy.


Her math curriculum was trivial to her so I gave her Life of Fred and she started working through it for fun - but got to a point where she said,


"How do you multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number?"


I was busy so I showed her how to look up videos of whatever math she wanted to learn on Khan Academy. She picked it up quickly and was able to continue working through Life of Fred and has been doing independent math learning ever since. She still does her math curriculum - it only takes her about 15 minutes and it help assure we don't leave any gaps.


But I LOVE Khan now for her - SO happy with it! I think it's great that even for simple subjects, the videos are clear but not juvenile - it's for a person of any age who wants to learn (or be reminded) of a piece of information. I think accelerated learners are sometimes annoyed by the slow pace of elementary content. She is now working with Life of Fred and Khan for an hour a day at least and it is really helping her self-pace which was kind of eluding me before how to help her do that.


She will watch some of the science videos too, just for personal interest.

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I just started having dd7 watch some Khan videos this week. I've been planning on incorporating it in to our curriculum for a while but she's just now starting to get more interested in math so I thought it was a good time to re-introduce it. We'll see how it goes but I plan to let her pick topics and watch what she wants daily but still spend little time daily with her curriculum (mus & beast academy). She also works through Life of Fred & an algebra puzzle book on her own.

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