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The kids and I have been having fun with BrainPop but we are using it on the trial basis. I was suprised to see how much it was. Is there a difference between the family and homeschool membership? The hs membership is more than twice the price. Are there ever any deals? I really want to sign up for Jr and Regular but it's over 300! I could buy an Ipad for that. lol

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we've been subscribers for about 2 years or so, we pay $15 per month & get both brain pop and brain pop jr. I believe we subscribed under the "family" plan. It is pretty cool isn't it? I love looking up their videos to go with what we're working on & we all love taking the "quizzes"!

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The amount of videos is amazing, and growing. My kids love them and will watch them constantly if they could (as long as TV and internet browsers are disabled)


I really feel Brainpop is almost essential for homeschoolers because it goes into so many nooks and crannies and variety of subjects and just plain exposure to a wash of facts and explanations-- if you ever worry that you are not covering enough or spending all your time on basic skills like reading, writing, and math, then you've got all this diverse input going on as well.


I wouldn't do a homeschool curriculum based on it-- it's great value is as a rich supplement that is effortless. At $7 a month it is one of the best bargains out there for homeschoolers.


You're doing enough work putting curriculums into action-- why pay $300, or whatever you say it is, to do more work? And is there going to be anything special or high quality about their worksheets, etc? Or aren't the companies who do curriculums the ones who do it well, and just leave the edutainment to brainpop.


Even though I used that word edutainment I dont want to lump it in with all the others of that kind. It's really just engaging education really. It's not like a video game dressed up with a couple math equations or something.


My only caution is that my kids seem to prefer to get their facts from brainpop than read them in a book. This is something to watch out for. Now that I put that down in words, I'm thinking-- hey, that's a pretty important consideration, maybe I should rethink brainpop a little.


all the best,


Edited by Writerdaddy
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We've been using the French version since someone here posted that it was available for free. (Thank you!!!) I don't know how long it will stay that way, but for now it's been great for us. We don't watch regular tv, and only about one movie a week, so the kids think it is a huge treat to spend a few minutes watching something on the computer. It's a treat for me to occasionally have five minutes to get something done without interruption too!

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