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MS Word-- Dictation Function

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How did I not know there was a dictation function in MS Word?


I just played with it for half an hour. It's a little annoying how short the recording session is, but that's a kind of small limitation . . . this thing correctly transcribed "cnidarian." I can say, "End Paragraph," or "Semi-colon," and it will stop typing and carry out the appropriate action. Okay, it has to type a semi-colon, but you get the drift.


I dictated a page-long paper about annelida, nematoda, and cnidarians, and I tripped it up on annelida, but it otherwise committed very few errors on a somewhat technical subject. Color me impressed.


So . . . although I am still faster at typing, there are times when I can even get jammed up a bit between brain and hands. I'd rather just say what I am thinking and have it transcribed. This will do that.


So . . . now move on to DS9 who has dysgraphia and some other expressive language issues (though they are becoming more subtle to detect these days). He could dictate the rough draft of his papers sometimes, or dictate notes he is taking from a book or article as he reads, freeing up his hands from having to interfere with his thoughts.


I think that for the kids, this feature has real possibilities . . .

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How does it compare with Dragon Dictation if you have tried it? We tried Dragon Dictation and it only recognize my hubby's voice well.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to let my kids try tomorrow, younger talks much faster than he writes.


I have had better luck with Dragon, but I have also trained it to my voice. Perhaps Dragon only recognizes your husband's voice because he has trained it? Or he uses it more (so that the software is learning his patterns).


ETA: In the latest version of the Mac OS, Dictation is available in all windows....not just Word.

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I have a student with limited use of his hands. The assistive technology evaluators suggested we just use the windows voice recognition with this student; however, with his strong southern drawl, we (OT. Student and myself) found that it wasn't up to the job. We've since gotten Dragon and are training it to his voice.,....it takes a while! But, the results have been far better for us and this is the way of the future for this kid!

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. We've since gotten Dragon and are training it to his voice.,....it takes a while!


I have had better luck with Dragon, but I have also trained it to my voice.



We are using Dragon Dictation on the iPod and iPad. I think our problem is that me and kids talk too fast without adequate pause between words. I'll have to see how to train it to my kids voice since they have an ipad each.

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We are using Dragon Dictation on the iPod and iPad. I think our problem is that me and kids talk too fast without adequate pause between words. I'll have to see how to train it to my kids voice since they have an ipad each.



I was referring to the desktop version. The iOS version of Dragon will not train to your voice/nor does it "learn". I do think this version of Dragon is better suited for adult voices, and my experience between myself and my daughter, dictating on my iPhone/iPad matches your experience.

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