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Please explain to me this one aspect of the Electoral College!

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It would be interesting, for sure. Oklahoma has 7 electoral votes. Around 35% of people in Oklahoma vote Democrat. If one-third of the electoral votes went to the Democrat, then I think you'd actually see a lot more people vote in Oklahoma. A lot of people on *both* sides don't currently vote because it's consistently a red state with winner-take-all electoral votes.


But see. That applies to the national elections only (and actually only the presidential race) They would shoot themselves in the foot on local elections because they feel their vote on president "doesn't count" because of the way the state has chosen to designate their electors?


I lived in WA for 14 years and never once declined to vote because I knew the state would go the other direction on at least the presidential election. There were SO MANY other races to vote in as well!

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But see. That applies to the national elections only (and actually only the presidential race) They would shoot themselves in the foot on local elections because they feel their vote on president "doesn't count" because of the way the state has chosen to designate their electors?


Because Oklahoma has some hard-core gerrymandering going on. The districts go red too. I vote, but many people on both sides do not because they don't think it will matter.

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