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Is there enough writing in R&S 6?


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I know this is a matter of opinion, of course. I was considering adding a writing program to my 6th graders R&S English this year but now I'm not so sure I want to do that - just for the simple fact that I don't want to get in over my head with too much to do. I did recently receive my R&S 6 English books and I need to look through them to get an idea of the writing assignments, but I thought that maybe there might be some people here that have already been thorough them and might have some thoughts. And I thought I might mention that my ds does not like writing at all - report writing, story writing, anything like that. He's not a bad writer, though. He just doesn't like it.



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The writing instruction in R&S 6 can be used as your only form of writing instruction if you then take what is taught and apply it across the curriculum.

(Outlining a section in a science text, writing a paragraph about a history topic, doing a report on a history or science topic, a book report on their current reading assignments, etc.)


All of that being said, you might want to research writing programs to help instill at least a tolerance for writing that could develop into a like for writing.

I hear good things about IEW with reluctant writers.


Writing is such an important skill - especially in the upper grades and beyond.

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I've never been able to add to R&S without it being overkill. But I *do* use writing across the curriculum in history and science, as LisaNY mentioned.


Also, even though the Wordsmith was more interesting, my ds likes just having *one* book.




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I'm definitely not happy about the way my ds feels about writing and would like to do change that (of course he's got a laziness issue in general!). IEW is not an option for us right now because of cost but I have considered it in general. Here's what I'm wondering (and this just came to me), does anyone use Writing Strands anymore? I haven't heard a lot about it lately but I know at least it used to be very popular. I just really feel like I want to add some writing but I don't want to overwhelm either my son or myself and from what I remember WS is affordable and pretty easy to implement. (I owned a couple of the books years ago but didn't use them at the time...I need to go rummaging around and see if I still have them!). Of course if I do try WS, I haven't a clue which level to use. Hmmm....


Thanks again!

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when you look at your R&S 6 book, you'll see that there are about 30 lessons that focus on writing. (They are noted with an asterisk * in the Table of Contents.) For us that averaged out to about 1 per week. Since the instructions are very clear and the topics are well-defined (and my kids thought they were interesting), I wouldn't load my reluctant writer down with "another" program. Then he also has to learn the supplemental program's methods, tricks, and intention. SWB says that the writing exercises in R&S are well-designed, and I went with her recommendation. We've been pleased with our dc's progress.


I do like LisaNY's suggestion to practice the writing skill across the curriculum (do a report about your history topic, outline your science reading, etc.)


BTW, you can do many of the grammar lessons/exercises orally, if you want to reduce his physical writing load.




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