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VENT: School Lost My Daughter

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Right now I am so beyond Pi***d off. I was at a doctors appointment getting biopsy results to see if I had cancer (I don't, thank you GOD, but I was already stressed out) and a good friend of mine was picking up my 5 year old from school. I got a call (right in the middle of the doctor giving me my results) that my daughter isn't at the car pick up and the teachers have been looking for her for 15 minutes and THEY CAN'T find her. Because my friend is also my ride (I don't drive well under stress) I get out of the doctor as fast as possible and begin to walk to the school, a 2 hour walk. I tell my friend to call me if they find her and to call the cops if they don't find her quickly. 30 minutes later I got the call that they found her. Her teacher sent my Kindergartner to an after school program. I could understand this if her schedule had changed or if it was a sub but she has been a car rider sense the first day and she had been sitting there CRYING saying she wasn't suppose to be there. She was paged several times AND SHE TOLD THEM and they did NOTHING. Public school for her was always temporary, so she could get speech, but she is bored in class, because the work is to easy for her, and this is just the most resent and most grievous in a LONG line of issues we have had and I don't think speech is worth it any more. I have a parent teacher conference on Thursday and if I don't get any answers I'm done.

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Yeah, I'd start off that school meeting with "Raise your hand if you're ready to have the pants sued off you". Not that I ever do it, but I find that putting the fear of the court system into people to be... gratifying.


I'd be upset that they scared me and my friend, but upset my child and I go into Mama Bear mode.

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I'd be upset that they scared me and my friend, but upset my child and I go into Mama Bear mode.


They are very lucky that it wasn't me picking her up. My friend lost their temper at one point but it was VERY mild compared to what would have happened if I was there.

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