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Sentence family and grammarland


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We will finish FLL2 this week and I plan to use Sentence Family for a few weeks before starting FLL3. I read through it, and I'm hoping it will help solidify the nine parts of grammar that it covers and be a nice introduction to sentence diagramming. This was the happy, cheery way it turned out for a friend of mine, so....


I also have Grammarland (someone here made worksheets for it if you are interested). Apparently it starts out pretty engaging and then quickly ramps up in complexity. I've heard complaints about the last story not making sense and somebody mentioned they skipped that one altogether. So, I've tabled that for now. If I get some spare time (and a little more enthusiasm) I might look into whether to hold off, perhaps until after FLL3 or rather present a few chapters now, and then come back to more of it later.



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I am working though The Sentence Family with my 7,6, and 4 year old. It is their very favorite subject this year. It is a solid, but engaging introduction to the types of sentences, some punctuation, and parts of speech via storytelling and art. By the end of the book, you begin easy diagramming. I think it would be fairly easy to make it more complex for older students as well by adding in further discussion of each part of speech beyond the basic meanings. It is not "open and go." The story and pictures are provided for you, but it works best if you really tell the story rather than just read it and draw the art with your kids. Also, the book has suggested activities to cement the concept with the kids, but there are no worksheets or pre-fab exercises. This works very well for our family, but I can see others not liking it.


I've looked at Grammarland and found it delightful - for someone who already knew a fair amount of grammar. I personally plan on using it in a few years, after my kids know enough grammar to get the humor in the story. I think it will be great fun as review and learning more complex grammar at a later age.

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We did Sentence Family last year when DD was 7, and she was mind numbingly bored with FLL. It was a huge hit. I read aloud, she drew the pictures, and it was one of her favorites things from last year. She's so proud of her work!


We moved into MCT after that, and it was a great transition. She didn't like Grammarland at all.

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We are doing The Sentence Family right now for fun. My son has some word retrieval issues and is a visual spatial learner, so my hope is that this unit will help him classify things faster. He is way older than the intended age (he's 11) and we've just finished GWG4 so he does pretty well diagramming. Some of the "lessons" (parts of speech) include a list of sentences to label, and we are using those as diagramming practice while we wait for GWG5 to move along.


I don't want to spend a half hour drawing, so I just printed the picture pages in color and am taping them to the wall as we do each lesson. We are doing a lesson a day andit is open and go to me. I'll probably keep them up and tell the stories to my 4 year old in the hopes that he absorbs something of it - but I may take them down and introduce them after FLL 2.

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