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Vision therapy??


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We have an appointment on Wednesday. Ds almost 11 just struggles with the written word. He is asking for books on CD. He has to finger read or we get nowhere.


That being said, he is super good with his hands. He draws schematics of airplane systems, designs paper airplanes with intricate designs, and his current thing is cross-stitching and sewing. I had something that wasn't working and he took it apart and found and fixed the broken wires inside.


So, can he be so troubled in reading and so skilled with his hand-eye and still fall under the domain of needing vision therapy?

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That's a good question to ask. I'd bring samples of his schematics.


My son was always very visual--making lego recreations of things, remembering symbols (when he was 2.5, he remembered the symbol on a doctor's business card that he had seen one time 6 months previously!). But in his case, that wasn't the same as the tracking needed for reading.

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So today I ask him to read a math word problem to me. He has already corrected completed the page. I just wanted to hear him read it. So, he started fumbling through words, using his finger, and still stumbling through. Then he moves 90 degrees to the right but keeps the page in the same position. Then he read the problem. So, my take is that he didn't have to track as much when he was reading vertically.


I also gave him a dyslexia assessment. He has already done bigger testing and his administrator said that he was really only low on one test, and high on all of the rest. He wouldn't have scored so well on all of the other tests. So we are fumbling through these phonetically spelled words and he covers one eye to read the words. What is up with that?

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My son's eyes did not track together. He did a lot of odd body movements and often covered one eye so the brain would stop jumping from one eye to the other trying to get a clear picture. He had 20/20 vision, but it was not helpful as his eyes were not 'teaming'.



ETA: He also had other issues and vision therapy was a fabulous thing for him.

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