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question about recommendations

always cookin'

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If you are applying to many schools, how do you get your recommendation letters sent to each school? Is this part of the Common App? What if the schools you are applying to do not use the Common App? I would hope to ask for each letter only once so we don't have to bother the person writing the recommendations. I just don't know how this is done.

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If you are using the Common App, you can have your recommenders upload their letters there, and then just choose which schools to send them to. (You cannot see the recommendations at the commonapp site... it's a "blind" process.)


If not, you can just have the recommender write one letter and copy it. You give them stamped and addressed envelopes for the colleges to which your student is applying.

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If the school isn't using the Common App, then you'll have to check with them, because policies can be different, as we recently discovered!


One of my dd's schools wanted letters of recommendation entered into a typed PDF, then emailed back to them directly from the person writing the recommendation. One of them wanted her to mail the sealed recommendations with some other documents, and one scholarship program requested that *she* email the recommendation along with her completed essay.

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