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Adult ADD help please :)

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Dear Mellissa and others,

Thank you, the comments and suggestions here are very helpful for others too (like me :001_smile:).

I found an online quiz months ago, while looking for essay distractions...

and scored 90/100





Results of your

Attention Deficit Disorder Quiz





You scored a total of 90


It is highly likely that you are presently suffering from adult attention deficit disorder, according to your responses on this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional immediately.



I put my age in, (40's) surely if I've gotten this far, then the IMMEDIATE danger isn't toooo extreme? (By the way, I didn't highlight that 'immediately'. They did.

Unless of course I want to be able to actually get assignments done, house livable etc etc.

I did the quiz again, answering as a 21 yr old male. I was able to save the first page and tried to answer the same as before.

I went from 90 to 84.

Still high, but 21 yo males are obviously allowed more.

Not fair, ageist and sexist.


This thread has reminded me that I really should look into this, so I can find the floor again and before I resume studies.



Loved the ADD poster, (Texmex?) did you do that homeschooling one too?



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LOTS of caffeine. Coffee is probably the cheapest & healthiest option there.





Wanted to add that I too, work best with background noise. DH will take the kids out for the day so I can get work done. My background noise is TV. I like to have <adult> shows on that are very familiar to me. Netflix is great for this! But I can listen to the show and get my work done. With no noise though, I can't get a daggone thing done.

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I noticed yesterday that Symphony music helps me focus, maybe it's the slower beat, I don't know but it sure helps. Now just to get dh to not mess with it if I'm trying to do something will be another story. I think I might just need to put a note on the tv that if it is on that music station to please leave it be :)

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Any recommendations for a good organization book? I have Simply Organized on my Nook along with Absolutely Organize Your Family. Really need something with a lot of structure, maybe even specificly for ADD/ADHD people


When I felt like my ADD was controlling me, I used the index card system that is described in this book. http://www.amazon.com/Sidetracked-Home-Executives-TM-Paradise/dp/0446677671 It got my home under control and gave me a sense of real accomplishment. I used it for quite some time.


As far as supplements, getting my amino acids balanced really seemed to help. I don't remember which ones I started adding to my daily vitamins, but a google search may turn up something for you.

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