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Reviews on any of these books about the Salem Witch Trials?


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I want to read a book about the Salem Witch Trials with DS11. Of necessity, it must be a Kindle book as I don't have time to order. I found these titles at Amazon. Any reviews?

Witches: The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn Schanzer


The Witchcraft of Salem Village by Shirley Jackson


The Story of the Witches of Salem by Rupert Holland


Dear America: I Walk in Dread by Lisa Rowe Fraustino



Other titles I should consider? Thanks!

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what about The Crucible? It's a play, but I think i read it at about 12, it may be a little above an 11 year old reading level, but maybe a read-aloud?...it's pretty short, and there's a movie to follow it up with!


Or, The Witch of Blackbird Pond. I forget if that is specifically about the trials, but the title comes to mind, and i think its more for the age level. I actually really recommend this one, if The Crucible doesn't work, and it should be available on Kindle.


here is a website with some lesson plans and ideas, maybe other book ideas?



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The Witch of Blackbird Pond is the one usually used for that level.


The Crucible is generally done for late middle-high school age.


For college (possibly WTM high schoolers) or self-education, Entertaining Satan by John Demos is a great read.


Can you tell I majored in Colonial American History? :D

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Depending on how strong of reader he is and if you want to study it with him since it is spooky, The House of Seven Gables is also phenomenal, and is a classic.


Even The Crucible is fiction; it is a play written by Arthur Miller. I don't know of much non-fiction written about the trials for logic stage but there may be a Jackdaw Portfolio or something. There are some first person court documents of some of the trials.


ETA: Here is the Jackdaw Portfolio. This is what I would do if I was looking to do the primary sources for the time period.

Edited by FairProspects
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I have used The Witchcraft of Salem Village by Jackson and found it informative for a middle school study. For me and my children, that was enough information on the trials and the hysteria. There are some good websites (sorry don't have time to find them to link them) - if you want to fill in with more details - especially the culture of the region which fed into the hysteria.


I forgot about The Crucible! I studied that in an AP High School course and loved the symbolism. Not sure how that would be for an 11yo though???

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Witch of Blackbird Pond is set nearly 200yrs after the Salem Witch Trials, so I want to start with a non-fiction book before moving to EGS's fiction, though I do want to read it with him.


The Crucible, huh? I'll check into that for myself.



For non-fiction, Landmark books are great for that age. The Witchcraft of Salem Village

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